'Monday 13-November-2023 12-22 PM' FINALLY, a firewall that blocks microsoft updates!!!! After using the pathetic interface and function ZONEALARM, then the trying the 'f-up your computer system speed virus overchecking General Public tool: the antivirus Software like Norton Total AV etc'....NOW WITH SIMPLEWALL it is perfection in my company JWARE AUSTRALIA! All computers run at full speed and EVERY BYTE OF INTERNET DATA I know about and threw away all ANTI-VIRUS checking thanks to Simplewall. A computer novice might need anti-virus software but not a professional that wants every computer using all the CPU tickc for real work, not a bloated virus application dragging everything down! My entire company just uses Simplewall and occasional full system scans using the great linux Kaspersky Boot Virus checks to deep verify all systems virus free. Dean J 'CEO' JWARE 'Monday 13-November-2023 12-29 PM' j.web.correspondence@gmail.com (General Public email)